Called from Darkness to Light: The Writings of the Disciples of the Apostles - Fr. Panagiotes Carras
Reading the Apostolic Fathers, 2nd Edition - Clayton N. Jefford
Foundations of Theological Exegesis and Christian Spirituality Series
Irenaeus of Lyons: Identifying Christianity - Fr. John Behr
Athanasius of Alexandria: Bishop, Theologian, Ascetic, Father - David M. Gwynn
Soteriological Insights in St. Athanasius' On the Incarnation - Philip Kariatlis
Tertullian the African - David E. Wilhite
Augustine the African - David E. Wilhite
Ancient African Christians: An Introduction - David E. Wilhite
Augustine the Metaphysician - David Bradshaw (
Orthodox Readings of Augustine - eds. Aristotle Papanikolaou and George Demacopoulos
The Place of Blessed Augustine in the Orthodox Church - Fr. Seraphim Rose
Cyril of Alexandria - Norman Russell
The Patristic Heritage and Modernity - Bishop Hilarion Alfeyev
Adam's Holiness in the Alexandrine and Athonite Traditions - Doru Costache (
Irenaeus on Creation: The Cosmic Christ and the Saga of Redemption - M. C. Steenberg
Symbolic Blackness and Ethnic Difference in Early Christian Literature - Gay L. Byron
Attitudes Towards Blacks in the Early Christian Era - Peter Frost (notation)
Anti-Black Sentiment in the Vitae Patrum - Philip Mayerson (abstract)
Ascetic Behaviour and Color-ful Language: Stories about Ethiopian Moses - Vincent L. Wimbush
Race in Late Antique Egypt: Moses the Black and Authentic Historical Voice - Brian Noell
Demons and the Making of the Monk: Spiritual Combat in Early Christianity - David Brakke
Ethiopian Demons: Male Sexuality, the Black-Skinned Other and Monastic Self - David Brakke
St. Macarius the Spiritbearer: Coptic Texts relating to Saint Macarius the Great - trans. Tim Vivian
Orthodox Monasticism Past and Present - ed. John A. McGuckin
Patristic Theology - Fr. John Romanides
A Critical Examination of the Applications of Theology - Fr. John Romanides
Georges Florovsky and the Russian Religious Renaissance - Paul L. Gavrilyuk
Christian Classics Ethereal Library - Early Church Fathers
Commentaries on Genesis - Biblical Creation Narratives
Homilies on Ecclesiasties - St. Gregory of Nyssa
Gregory of Nyssa: Luminous Darkness
Gregory of Nyssa's Tabernacle Imagery in Its Jewish and Christian Contexts - ann Conway-Jones
On the Incomprehensible Nature of God - St. John Chrysostom
On the Providence of God - St. John Chrysostom
Letters to Olympias - St. John Chrysostom
Against Eunomius - St. Basil of Caesarea
Homilies on Romans - St. John Chrysostom, trans. Panayiotis Papageorgiou
Abraham in the Works of John Chrysostom - Demetrios E. Tonias
Commentary on Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, Homilies 1-47 - St. John Chrysostom
Commentary on Saint John the Apostle and Evangelist, Homilies 48-88 - St. John Chrysostom
Homilies on Philippians - St. John Chrysostom, ed. Pauline Allen
On Abraham - St. Ambrose of Milan, trans. Theodosia Tomkinson
Homilies on the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel - St. Gregory the Great, trans. Theodosia Tomkinson
Commentary on Isaiah, Vol. 1 (Chapter 1-14) - St. Cyril of Alexandria, trans. Robert Charles Hill
Commentary on Isaiah, Vol. 2 (Chapter 15-39) - St. Cyril of Alexandria, trans. Robert Charles Hill
Commentary on Isaiah, Vol. 3 (Chapter 40-50) - St. Cyril of Alexandria, trans. Robert Charles Hill
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 1 - St. Cyril of Alexandria
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 2 - St. Cyril of Alexandria
Commentary on the Twelve Prophets, Volume 3 - St. Cyril of Alexandria
Commentary on the Gospel of Saint Luke - St. Cyril of Alexandria (Studion Publishers)
Commentary on John, Vol. 1, Ancient Christian Texts - Cyril of Alexandria, trans. David R. Maxwell
Commentary on John, Vol. 2, Ancient Christian Texts - Cyril of Alexandria, trans. David R. Maxwell
The Conferences of St. John Cassian
The Institutes by St. John Cassian
Letters of Gregory the Great, 3 Vols. - trans. John R. C. Martyn
Gregory the Great: Ascetic, Pastor, and First Man of Rome - George Demacopoulos
Early Church Fathers Collection
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture - ed. Thomas C. Oden
Ancient Christian Texts - eds. Thomas C. Oden & Gerald L. Bray
Articles on the Orthodox Christian Faith
The Ascetical Homilies - St. Isaac the Syrian
Slavery as Moral Problem In the Early Church and Today - Jennifer A. Glancy
Slavery in Early Christianity - Jennifer A. Glancy
Slavery in the Late Roman World, AD 275-425 - Kyle Harper
The Cappadocian Fathers on Slave Management - Chris L. de Wet
The Unbound God: Slavery and the Formation of Early Christian Thought - Chris L. de Wet
Suffering and Evil in Early Christian Thought - Nonna Verna Harrison and David G. Hunter
The Hungry Are Dying: Beggars and Bishops in Roman Cappadocia - Susan R. Holman
Wealth and Poverty in Early Church and Society - ed. Susan R. Holman
Wealth and Poverty in the Teachings of the Church Fathers - Fr. James Thornton
The Sayings of the Desert Fathers - Benedicta Ward
The Ladder of Divine Ascent - St. John Climacus
Way of the Ascetics - Tito Colliander
Unseen Warfare - St. Theophan the Recluse
Prologue from Ochrid - St. Nikolai Velimirovic
The Arena - St. Ignatius Brianchaninov
The Field Cultivating Salvation - St. Ignatius Brianchaninov
The Ethiopic Didascalia, or the Ethiopic Version of the Apostolic Constitutions
The Testament of Our Lord - trans. into English from the Syriac
The Chronicle of John, Bishop of Nikiu - trans. from Zotenberg's Ethiopic Text
The Syriac Chronicle known as that of Zachariah of Mitylene
Questions and Doubts - St. Maximos the Confessor - trans. Despina Prassas
The Oxford Handbook of Maximus the Confessor - eds. Pauline Allen, Bronwen Neil
Free Choice in Maximus the Confessor - Joseph P. Farrell
The Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius Scholasticus
An Introduction to Ethiopic Christian Literature - J. M. Harden